Do Androids Dream about Electric Sheep?

February 12, 2009 at 8:32 am (Life in paradise) (, , )

Do androids dream about electric sheep?

Do dying dogs dream of grassy fields in heaven?

I live in paradise, yet we see death and sickness all around.

This morning a small puppy took its last breath and cried its last cry in the street outside my house.

My cat looked up from his grass breakfast in the garden and listened.

I dont know if it was a cry of releif or not, but the fact is, the little creature was tormented by sickness and had painful sores all over its small body.

I believe the little pup is in a better place now and that he runs the fields of heaven getting tummy rubs all day long!

Like I said, I live in paradise.

Today it’s raining.

Welcome to paradise.

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